Case Study 1 Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?

Introduction  Welcome to the Cyclistic bike-share analysis case study! In this case study, you will perform many real-world tasks of a junior data analyst. You will work for a fictional company, Cyclistic, and meet different characters and team members. In order to answer the key business questions, you will follow the steps of the dataContinue reading “Case Study 1 Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?”

Importing and appending large datasets Google Capstone Project stage 1 :

Hi everyone , As sometimes it is so difficult to open some data in excel and more difficult to append it. It is sometimes a headache, This blog post is about how to make the task easier. If you have any other recommendation please comment below. Here is an example of the datasets of theContinue reading “Importing and appending large datasets Google Capstone Project stage 1 :”

Date and time related common DAX formulas

“Year”,YEAR([Date]),“Start of Year”,DATE( YEAR([Date]),1,1),“End of Year”,DATE( YEAR([Date]),12,31),“Month”,MONTH([Date]),“Start of Month”,DATE( YEAR([Date]), MONTH([Date]), 1),“End of Month”,EOMONTH([Date],0),“Days in Month”,DATEDIFF(DATE( YEAR([Date]), MONTH([Date]), 1),EOMONTH([Date],0),DAY)+1,“Year Month Number”,INT(FORMAT([Date],”YYYYMM”)),“Year Month Name”,FORMAT([Date],”YYYY-MMM”),“Day”,DAY([Date]),“Day Name”,FORMAT([Date],”DDDD”),“Day Name Short”,FORMAT([Date],”DDD”),“Day of Week”,WEEKDAY([Date]),“Day of Year”,DATEDIFF(DATE( YEAR([Date]), 1, 1),[Date],DAY)+1,“Month Name”,FORMAT([Date],”MMMM”),“Month Name Short”,FORMAT([Date],”MMM”),“Quarter”,QUARTER([Date]),“Quarter Name”,”Q”&FORMAT([Date],”Q”),“Year Quarter Number”,INT(FORMAT([Date],”YYYYQ”)),“Year Quarter Name”,FORMAT([Date],”YYYY”)&” Q”&FORMAT([Date],”Q”),“Start of Quarter”,DATE( YEAR([Date]), (QUARTER([Date])3)-2, 1), “End of Quarter”,EOMONTH(DATE( YEAR([Date]), QUARTER([Date])3, 1),0),“Week of Year”,WEEKNUM([Date]),“StartContinue reading “Date and time related common DAX formulas”

Ggplot2 – The basic powerful package of visualization

Ggplot2 contains the lot of package related to visualization. It contains almost all the powerful functions related to line , graphs , stacked bar charts and all. The normal ggplot with geom_point and aesthetics ; where ggplot is the main function , geom_point ( point related visualization) ,aes- asthetic which includes size , axis ,Continue reading “Ggplot2 – The basic powerful package of visualization”

Data Cleaning series : Pivoting and unpivoting in R – wide to long and long to wide

After using pivoting and unpivoting in Power BI and excel , this is another way to do it. It is very simple and just need write a line of code and viola! . Here is an example of table – bake data The code is explained below in the figure but one thing you haveContinue reading “Data Cleaning series : Pivoting and unpivoting in R – wide to long and long to wide”

Getting Started With R – Basic functions

Hi everyone , this is my first post about R programming language. I would like to share some basic functions and syntax in order to be be familiar with R. colnames – Returns the list of names from dataset 2. head – Returns the first 6 rows of vector matrix , table , dataframe 3.Continue reading “Getting Started With R – Basic functions”