Case Study 1 Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?

Introduction  Welcome to the Cyclistic bike-share analysis case study! In this case study, you will perform many real-world tasks of a junior data analyst. You will work for a fictional company, Cyclistic, and meet different characters and team members. In order to answer the key business questions, you will follow the steps of the dataContinue reading “Case Study 1 Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?”

Date and time related common DAX formulas

“Year”,YEAR([Date]),“Start of Year”,DATE( YEAR([Date]),1,1),“End of Year”,DATE( YEAR([Date]),12,31),“Month”,MONTH([Date]),“Start of Month”,DATE( YEAR([Date]), MONTH([Date]), 1),“End of Month”,EOMONTH([Date],0),“Days in Month”,DATEDIFF(DATE( YEAR([Date]), MONTH([Date]), 1),EOMONTH([Date],0),DAY)+1,“Year Month Number”,INT(FORMAT([Date],”YYYYMM”)),“Year Month Name”,FORMAT([Date],”YYYY-MMM”),“Day”,DAY([Date]),“Day Name”,FORMAT([Date],”DDDD”),“Day Name Short”,FORMAT([Date],”DDD”),“Day of Week”,WEEKDAY([Date]),“Day of Year”,DATEDIFF(DATE( YEAR([Date]), 1, 1),[Date],DAY)+1,“Month Name”,FORMAT([Date],”MMMM”),“Month Name Short”,FORMAT([Date],”MMM”),“Quarter”,QUARTER([Date]),“Quarter Name”,”Q”&FORMAT([Date],”Q”),“Year Quarter Number”,INT(FORMAT([Date],”YYYYQ”)),“Year Quarter Name”,FORMAT([Date],”YYYY”)&” Q”&FORMAT([Date],”Q”),“Start of Quarter”,DATE( YEAR([Date]), (QUARTER([Date])3)-2, 1), “End of Quarter”,EOMONTH(DATE( YEAR([Date]), QUARTER([Date])3, 1),0),“Week of Year”,WEEKNUM([Date]),“StartContinue reading “Date and time related common DAX formulas”

Ggplot2 – The basic powerful package of visualization

Ggplot2 contains the lot of package related to visualization. It contains almost all the powerful functions related to line , graphs , stacked bar charts and all. The normal ggplot with geom_point and aesthetics ; where ggplot is the main function , geom_point ( point related visualization) ,aes- asthetic which includes size , axis ,Continue reading “Ggplot2 – The basic powerful package of visualization”

Notes on Calculated Columns and Measures

Use Measures instead of calculated columns ; calculated columns calculate value to each row whereas Measures calculate dynamic values in the report Even for simplest calculations measures are preferred as we can embed them in the complex queries and can use anywhere in the report Reference columns with table names and measures as it makesContinue reading “Notes on Calculated Columns and Measures”